Management Planning
Operational planning and support from identification and analysis through implementation.

New Product Development and Introduction
If you are launching a new product, service or line of business, this is the team to have on your side. Service includes everything from developing the business plan to introducing a new unrelated service to assistance with streamlining the introduction of new product packages in an existing product line.

Interim Management
Short-term on-site management support. A typical project includes the development and instillation of new performance expectations while developing a recommended design for the future.

Project Management
An adjunct to Management Planning, we also provide implementation management for a project. During these assignments, Hazen Group often helps the organization and it's staff move from plan to product, a typical weakness in most companies.



Process Improvements
Analysis, recommendations, and implementation services and products for organizations wishing to improve processes that result in greater efficiencies, increased revenues and/or lower costs. A typical project might include designing a workflow process for a healthcare unit.

Project Work
Many times we are asked to function as "a set of hands" to help get a project executed. This is especially useful in network development and operating units.

Best Practices Analysis
Similar to process improvements, these projects typically evaluate multiple current processes within an organization and compare current practice against available benchmark data to determine the best approach to reorganizing part of a business.

Operational Turnaround
Start-ups, turnarounds, acquisitions and mergers.a part of the past decade that is running strong into the next century. Hazen Group can complete an assessment and suggest operational turnaround alternatives tailored to the client's specific situation. Project work has included both internal operations and health plan structures.



Business Financial Planning
Business forecasts, plans, and budget models or tools are an important part of the success for any businesses. Starting right is one thing, continuing along the right path is another. Hazen Group helps identify and build the best path for your business.

Analytical Model Building
Staffing models, capacity analysis, backlog analysis and other model building to support business needs.



Network Development and Management
Development and/or management of provider networks.

Medical Management
Development, redesign or overhaul of disease management, medical management and/or case management programs. Hazen Group can work with you to develop and implement the best practices.

Health Plan Restructuring
Design and management of the restructuring process that moves medical service facilities and/or networks to new operating and/or ownership structures.



Systems Analysis and Design
Design and/or development of automated alternatives and solutions that add value and solve operational challenges. We examine your needs and design approaches to meet those needs given your capabilities and resources.

Systems Implementation
Implementing a new system always sounds easier that it actually is. From small to large, from management of installation to upgrades, from staff modeling to accountability to testing.our experience can help your passage through these shark-infested waters.